Thursday, July 19, 2012

Moon (2009)

Moon (2009)
This film was a film I'll need to watch again to understand it all, I think. But it wasn't as spectacular as I had expected. There isn't a lot of space action and explosions, nor do they show you a lot of incredible space scenes. I found it had quite a Kubrick feel (Space Odyssey), but was quite fascinating, curious and interesting to watch. It also left a lot of unanswered questions and loose ends still not tied at the end - but yet, it felt as though it should have ended that way.

This film wasn't exactly incredible or amazing, but it wasn't too boring or disengaging. I'd give it two and a half stars out of five. If you like a Sci-Fi with a bit of strangeness and oddity, watch this film.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it, Stan. I saw Moon at the Luna (ironic, eh?) and I found it to be one of those incredibly rare creatures - an intelligent, thoughtful science fiction film. It actually took it's subject matter seriously, exploring the possible results of plausable technologies and the human experience in such an environment, something SF is supposed to do when done well. And Moon was done very well. I thought it a stunning film, with a superb performance from Sam Rockwell, some absolutely wonderful design and effects work (ok, so I'm a special effects and model geek), beatiful photography, and some terrific ideas, like the lovely twist on the sentient HAL-like computer (as you say, it had a rather Kubrick feel to it). See it if you liked Solaris (either version). It shows what can be done with a thoughtful script and a committed director and actor. Prometheus, this is what you should have been!
